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To work for the common cause of our Bank’s Retirees and to maintain unity among retirees as one class and to stand as rock- like solidarity to solve the problems of the retirees.

S.B.H.Retired Employees ‘ Association (SBHREA) was founded by veteran leaders and stalwarts like Com. B.N.Sharma, U.G.Korwarker, V.Rajamani, P.V.K.Punneswara Rao, Patterson, A.Jagapathi Rao and B.V.Raghavulu, some of whom like Late Sri A.Jagapathi Rao and Late Sri B.V.Raghavulu were seasoned Trade Union Leaders of yesteryears whom we regard as the architects of the present serving associations of Supervising and Award Staff. The Association was having around 125 members at the time when it was registered as SBH Pensioners Association in 1986 under A.P(Telangana Area)Public Societies Act 1350 (Act 1 of1350 Fasli ). The aims and objectives are detailed in the Bye-Laws. The rules and regulations were formed under the said Act with Regn.No.1051 of 1986.

The First Executive Committee comprised of :

1)Sri A.Jagapathi Rao……………President
2)Sri B.V. Raghavulu…………….Vice-President
3)Sri P.K.Janardhanan………… Secretary
4)Sri.P.v.punneswara rao…….Joint Secretary
5)Sri V.S.Prakasha Rao…………Treasurer

The Association was renamed later as S.B.H.Retired Employees’ Association to provide an opportunity to serve the cause of all classes of retirees.
All retirees from the Managing Director to the Messengers are entitled to join the Association as members.

The Association was built brick by brick from the days of humble beginning and today reached the towering height with a membership over 3000.
The Association’s office functioned from the house of Secretary till the end of November 2013 and after the management alloted office space in Bank’s HO premises the Association commenced its functions from the new premises from December 2013 onwards.The EC meetings ,are , however conducted in the premises of the building of SBH officers’ Association, Unit ABOA at Chirag ali lane, Hyderabad,for which we owe a debt of thanks to them.